An original song by Eve, sung by Hatsune Miku, animated by Waboku. Eve's self-cover uses the same animated footage and was released on November 29, 2017. Eve included his self-cover MV on his own self-made record label harapeco records's CD+DVD release on December 13, 2017 as a part of his "Bunka" album.
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An original song by Eve, sung by Hatsune Miku, animated by Waboku. Eve's self-cover uses the same animated footage and was released on November 29, 2017. Eve included his self-cover MV on his own self-made record label harapeco records's CD+DVD release on December 13, 2017 as a part of his "Bunka" album.
japanese: お気に召すまま
Synonyms: Eve, Bunka
Aired: Nov 29, 2017
Duration: 4m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: 7.07