The Kumamoto Prefecture Agricultural Cooperative Union's website began streaming an anime commercial titled 'Nikoyaka Shokudou' (Smiling Restaurant) on Wednesday. The commercial is intended to highlight produce grown in the prefecture, including meat (niku), rice (kome), vegetables (yasai), and fruit (kajitsu). The first characters of each of the words spell "nikoyaka" (smiling).
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The Kumamoto Prefecture Agricultural Cooperative Union's website began streaming an anime commercial titled 'Nikoyaka Shokudou' (Smiling Restaurant) on Wednesday. The commercial is intended to highlight produce grown in the prefecture, including meat (niku), rice (kome), vegetables (yasai), and fruit (kajitsu). The first characters of each of the words spell "nikoyaka" (smiling).
japanese: JA熊本経済連
Synonyms: Smiling Restaurant, Nikoyaka Shokudou
Aired: May 16, 2016 to Oct 31, 2019
Duration: 1m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: 5.88