Made famous in the Monster Strike anime special Mon-Soni! D'Artagnan no Idol Sengen, the Haitoku Pistols debuted their latest single, a Christmas-themed song titled Wishing on December 1st. A ballad backed by Lucy's powerful vocals, Wishing will be featured as the main theme for the XFLAG original anime Itazura Majo to Nemuranai Machi.
This official music video demo is entirely in CG as opposed to the main ONA which was 2D animated. The music video starts with all three band members speaking to the viewer before jumping into the demo and then finishing out with the band members speaking again.
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Made famous in the Monster Strike anime special Mon-Soni! D'Artagnan no Idol Sengen, the Haitoku Pistols debuted their latest single, a Christmas-themed song titled Wishing on December 1st. A ballad backed by Lucy's powerful vocals, Wishing will be featured as the main theme for the XFLAG original anime Itazura Majo to Nemuranai Machi.
This official music video demo is entirely in CG as opposed to the main ONA which was 2D animated. The music video starts with all three band members speaking to the viewer before jumping into the demo and then finishing out with the band members speaking again.
japanese: Wishing
Synonyms: Haitoku Pistols, MonSoni!, Monster Sonic
Aired: Dec 1, 2017
Duration: 3m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: 5.62